Inside Airbnb

activistanti-touristificationdatahousinginteractiveshort-term rentalsspatial
When: 2015+, ongoing
Role: Founder, Data Activist, Data Collection, Data Management, Front-End Development, Back-End Development, GIS, Community Engagement, Media Relations, Partner Development, Researcher, Policy Development and Fundraising

Created activist platform with open data and visualizations to help cities and communities respond to the threat of Airbnb on residential neighborhoods throughout the world.

Supported grassroots activists world-wide, advised on city regulation and enforcement, participated in parliamentary Inquiries, public comment on legislature and panels on Airbnb and the affect on housing.

Developed project sustainability by recruiting and managing collaborators, creating an advisory and not-for-profit founding board and building mission consistent data sales.

The project, reports, data and advocacy have been featured in major local, national and international online, print, radio and TV outlets.